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Did you ever stop for a moment to ask yourself why man gets sick? Why, for example, does an individual go through the first, second, third, possibly the fourth decade of life in what can be described as good health, and for apparently no reason become diseased or sudden heart attack? Do you stop to question why a child 5 or 6 years of age contracts a virus which manifests itself only in the form of sniffles, while that same virus is passed on to his or her sister, who develops a serious upper respiratory condition lasting three weeks? Again, the same virus is transmitted to the next door neighbor child, as consequence, develops pneumonia and dies. How many times have you heard of a situation where an individual is born healthy and at the age of one or two develops allergies in some form; at the age of 11 or 12 the appendix must be removed; continues on in what medical science describes as perfect health, and now at the age of 20 or 30 must have the gall bladder removed; and at the age of 40 or 45, if it is a female, ends up with a hysterectomy; or more commonly in a male, a heart condition?


Finally, if you have followed the thinking so far, one realizes that sickness or disease is simply an absence of health. In order to change such a negative situation, one must attempt to restore health rather than try to remove the symptom of disease. Life is health and every living thing possesses life. Life is an energy, a force, an intelligence inherent to all living things. If something or someone interferes with the manifestation and expression of this energy, the organism cannot function at its maximum potential. Once this potential has been reduced the host becomes a perfect environment for disease. In essence, then, pathogenic bacteria can be responsible for a disease process, however, it cannot at any time be considered the primary cause of disease. For in fact, in order for a pathogenic virus or bacteria to flourish and multiply, the tissue resistance of the host must be reduced. An interference in that nervous system by virtue of a subluxation produces this very environment for pathogenic bacteria and viruses to take hold. Restore resistance by removing that nerve interference and you simply allow the innate intelligence of that body to repair and rebuild, thereby restoring health.


Look well to the spine for this is the requisite for the cause of disease.


– Hippocrates (460-377 B.C)


Nature, in her wisdom, knowing the importance of the brain and spinal cord as the master system in the body. As a matter of fact, the brain and the spinal cord are the only two organs in the body that are surrounded and protected by solid bone. A total of thirty-one pair of spinal nerves can be found. These spinal nerves then branch out like roots of a tree supplying each organ and tissue to where, ultimately, each cell receives a microscopic nerve supply. This network now presents a total communicating system from the brain, down the spinal cord, out to the spinal nerves and ultimately to each cell.


If an interference exists somewhere along the pathway of communication, that cell, tissue, or organ will be deprived of its required nerve flow, and consequently will malfunction. This interference takes place at the vertebral segmental level. In other words, if one or more vertebrae should lose their proper juxtaposition for whatever the reason, at that point, a focal point of irritation can be established interfering with nerve impulses from the brain down the spinal cord and out. When a vertebra has lost its juxtaposition, it is termed a subluxation.


The Doctor of Chiropractic knows that the right, correct, efficient way to restore health is to adjust vertebral subluxation. The Chiropractor approaches an individual’s health problem with a single, simple objective in mind. Where, when, how, and why is this individual’s energy flow interfered with? He will seek to find that subluxation and realign that vertebra into its proper juxtaposition. By turning on the switch the interfered current flow of mental impulse supply between brain and body can be, and will be, restored through nerves to tissue cells anywhere, anytime, all of which flows from above-down, within-out. From then on, it is the complete responsibility of this internal intelligence, this power, to rebuild sickness to health, relieve pain and suffering and prolong life by adding years and years to life.


In essence then, Chiropractic concerns itself with the cause of disease rather than the effect or symptom. Every effect must be preceded by a cause. The vertebral subluxation remains as one of the primary causes for disease. For it is the subluxation that is responsible for an imbalance of internal harmony that should exist in all living things. By removal of this interference, the body possessing an ability, intelligence, and recuperative power, can, in turn, reestablish the internal homeostasis necessary for health.


It is life that heals, only this thing called life has the ability and the power to heal and cure. Innate intelligence of the body, it is good, right, constructive, helpful, healthful. It does the right thing, at the right place, at the right time, in right quantities, and in right qualities.


The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.


– Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)

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