It is probably safe to say that our complete health is the sum total of the health of our individual organs and glands. When we are ill, it is because our organs and glands, individually or collectively, cannot function at ideal levels. Diet is an influence on the health of our glands and organs, and it interacts directly with our genetics. Good nutrition can help you attain the genetic potential of your organs and glands in terms of the highest level of functioning. When your nutrition is not adequate, your glands and organs cannot receive the specific nutrients that they require. Among the many consequences of such deficiencies is an increased susceptibility to infection, an inability to deal with stress and an overall degeneration of the body.
Have you ever asked yourself, “How is it possible that I am sick even though I eat organic foods and am very careful with my diet?” The answer most likely revolves around an Enzyme Deficiency. Enzymes are delicate protein molecules necessary to life. They are found in all living cells whether animal, plant or a microorganism. Their role is to catalyze and regulate nearly all biochemical reactions that occur within the human body.
Except in cases of genetic deficiencies, humans have the ability to synthesize and secrete the enzymes needed for their metabolism. However, under certain conditions, the synthesis or activity of the enzymes may be impaired. These conditions are often the results of poor diet, lifestyle, exposure to environment pollutants, and aging.
When we eat a meal, the requirements for digestive enzymes become a high priority. Our body’s enzyme making machinery must work over time and often still cannot meet the demand for all of the enzyme requirements the body may have. Since digestion takes precedence over nearly everything else, many bodily functions requiring metabolic enzymes are often shortchanged during these times. The result is a lower disease fighting capability and a general weakening of the body’s ability to mend itself.
As stated above, digestion is a vital function to sustain life. The digestive process is supported anatomically by a whole system of organs and bio-chemically by several hormones and enzymes. Enzymes contribute to the delivery of vitamins and minerals by the hydrolysis of the macro structures of food to free the vitamins and minerals. The process of breaking down the food to benefit the body is carried by a complex system of nerves, hormones, and enzymes. If this process is not working to its maximum capability, poorly digested protein putrefies, fats turn rancid and carbohydrates ferment in the body. These undigested food particles leak back into the bloodstream from the colon and create further toxicity. Without the support of an effective enzyme reserve, we begin to lose energy, lose our ability to fight disease, and lose the ability for our body to remedy its own naturally occurring malfunctions. This loss may lead to disease and eventually death.
This concept clearly supports the case for supplemental mycelial enzymes. If the body can get the necessary extra digestive enzymes its needs to complete the digestive process without overstressing the body’s enzyme-making potential, then a metabolic enzyme shortage will not occur and our body will be in a much more favorable position to fight biologic and genetic malfunctions and diseases as they occur.
Most people will choose cooked foods over raw foods.
Earth has lost rich top soil for producing nutritious food.
Nuts and beans that are raw contain an enzyme inhibitor.
Grains and flour are processed, robbing them of their enzymes.
Enzymes are needed for every chemical reaction in the body.
Enzymes are needed by vitamins and minerals to function.
Lack of enzymes could result in a lowered resistance to illness, all types of stresses, and physiological environments which may lead to a shortened life span.
Purify Blood
Balance The immune System
Break Down Fats
Lower Cholesterol
Enhance Mental Capacity
Cleanse The Colon
Enhance Sleep
Shed Excess Weight and Fat
Improve Aging Skin
Bacteria Balance In Colon
Proper pH Balance In The Urine